Jersey park-and-ride scheme gains support of minister

Infrastructure Minister Andy Jehan Picture: DAVID FERGUSON. (37673725)

PROPOSALS for a park-and-ride scheme have gained the support of the Infrastructure Minister.

Constable Andy Jehan said he was “happy to explore” the possibility of such an initiative, of which there are many successful examples in other countries including the UK – enabling commuters to park their cars on the outskirts of a town or city and travel into the centre by bus or rail.

Environmental group Jersey in Transition recently unveiled a proposal for a park-and-ride site at the former Covid-19 testing area at the Airport, although Ports of Jersey has said it would “need time” to consider the plans.

The group argued that there were “several further feasible sites for such schemes around the Island”, adding: “With suitable publicity and easy availability to users, these are likely to be successful. They can substantially increase bus usage while simultaneously decreasing road congestion, pollution, danger and perceived danger.”

Mr Jehan said the initiative “had merit” and that he was “certainly happy to explore it”, noting that a similar scheme had been trialled in St John around a decade ago.

He added: “I have identified another potential site and hope to meet with Jersey in Transition to discuss how to take it forward.”

Nigel Jones, who chairs the group, said: “I’m very happy to meet the minister to talk about it. I’m hoping this will be the beginning of an ongoing process.”

Mr Jones has previously said that if the trial was successful, it could be expanded – revealing that a park-and-ride site in each parish would be the ultimate goal.

“It’s a snowball effect,” he continued. “Once you get more people on the buses the bus company will get encouraged to put on more routes and improve the service overall.”

Mr Jehan, who became Infrastructure Minister in January, recently indicated his support for sustainable transport when he welcomed the Dutch Ambassador, Karel van Oosterom to the Island.

The official visit, which sought to enhance and develop links between the Island and the Netherlands, carried a particular focus on green transport.

“The other thing I am keen to do is place covered bike shelters at some bus stops,” Mr Jehan added.

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