Spectacular Northern Lights seen from Jersey

The Northern Lights seen from Plemont Picture: MARC LE CORNU/ BAM PERSPECTIVES (37613121)

THE spectacular northern lights could be seen from as far south as Jersey yesterday after a sudden spike in solar activity lit up the night’s sky.

Photographer Marc Le Cornu was one of several Islanders who captured the amazing sight on camera from the north coast.

The Northern Lights seen from Plémont Picture: MARC LE CORNU/ BAM PERSPECTIVES (37613101)

In a Facebook post he said: “Fun evening with the puffins looking for the aurora. Couldn’t see much with the naked eye, but the camera picked up a few colours in the sky.

A “red alert” for the Aurora Borealis was issued on Sunday following the spike in solar activity.

The Northern Lights seen from Plémont Picture: MARC LE CORNU/ BAM PERSPECTIVES (37613109)

There is a greater chance of seeing the northern lights over the next few years because the Sun is reaching the peak of its 11-year cycle, due to be at the end of 2024 or early 2025.

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