Free wood from the aftermath of Storm Ciarán on offer

Frankie Mabbott, operations manager at the Infrastructure and Environment Department solid-waste facility, with piles of trees felled during Storm Ciarán Picture: ROB CURRIE (37550707)

AN “unprecedented” amount of wood from trees torn down by Storm Ciarán is now being offered to Islanders.

The Infrastructure and Environment Department is seeking applications from anyone who could use large sections of trunks and branches and is able to come to La Collette and collect it.

Jersey was battered by Storm Ciarán at the start of November, with a high number of trees being brought down or damaged, and a tornado sweeping across the east of the Island.

The wood collected and brought to La Collette has been separated from roots and leaves, and includes lengths of between 0.5 to four metres, with diameters from 0.3 to 1.8 metre.

Although there will be no charge for the wood, those collecting it will be encouraged to make donations to local charities.

Senior operations manager Frankie Mabbott said the wood would be loaded into the vehicles of those arriving to collect it, but that it would not be possible to choose the wood variety or condition, and that any cutting or milling would need to be done off-site.

She added: “The wood we have is mostly quite ‘green’, as it’s been out in the wet, and so it isn’t suitable for burning until it’s been seasoned.”

Those interested in collecting wood should send an email to​ with the subject line “wood request” and specifying:

  • Your name and business name, if applicable

  • Preferred contact method and quantity of wood requested

  • Intended use

  • Type of vehicle being used for collection

  • Transport restrictions on maximum dimensions or total weight

  • Where the wood will be stored before being used, eg in- or outdoors, on your own property or elsewhere

  • Approximate amount in percentage of waste wood your intended use will produce

  • Applicants will be contacted by 2 March with a view to co-ordinating collections for ​the week commencing 4 March

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