£200 in fines for van driver caught speeding twice

Magistrates Court. Picture: ROB CURRIE. (37517923)

A DELIVERY van driver who broke the speed limit twice has been fined £200.

Bernardo Garcia (27) drove at 40mph along Route de la Haule – a road with a 30mph limit – on 17 December.

And on 31 January he drove at 27mph along Mont Les Vaux, breaking the 20mph speed limit.

Garcia told the Magistrate’s Court that he had been due to attend a parish hall inquiry regarding the offences but forgot.

Assistant Magistrate Adam Clarke fined him £80 for the first incident and £120 for the second.

He did not ban Garcia from driving or endorse his licence but warned him: “If you are back here a different court may take a different view.”

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