Seal dies after being found in Jersey bay

A seal that washed up at Bonne Nuit. Picture: BDMLR. (37491891)

AN “extremely hypothermic” underweight seal pup which washed up at Bonne Nuit has died despite the efforts of rescuers and vets.

The four-week-old male grey seal was found on Saturday and should have weighed at least 30kg, but British Divers Marine Life Rescue volunteers said it weighed just 17kg.

The pup was taken to New Era Veterinary Hospital for what BDMLR described as a “hopeful but very slim chance of survival”, with the animal described as “extremely hypothermic, very weak and very flat”.

The team reported that he died “not long after he arrived”.

BDMLR said that it was “not unusual to find weaned pups struggling after the initial pupping season at this time of year”.

Seals washed up in Jersey are often transported to Guernsey’s GSPCA for rehabilitation.

However, amid rising demand – with more than six pups having washed up during the season – BDMLR have been considering whether a facility is needed in Jersey.

Last month they said that there were no “concrete plans” as yet, but that they had their “thinking caps” on.

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