Man admitted drink-driving in defective vehicle


A 31-YEAR-OLD man has admitted drink-driving in a dangerously faulty car and without a licence.

Marcus Gary Riley’s vehicle had three defective tyres, damaged bodywork and faulty suspension.

When he was stopped by the States police in St Brelade on 1 June he could not provide a licence, the Magistrate’s Court heard.

A blood test at police headquarters gave a reading of 156 milligrams of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood – almost twice the legal maximum of 80 milligrams.

Riley admitted charges of drink-driving, driving a vehicle that was not maintained so as not to cause danger and driving without a licence.

Relief Magistrate Sarah Fitz adjourned sentencing until 15 March to allow for a pre-sentence report. Riley was released on bail but banned from driving.

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