Man who drove while disqualified nine times is jailed


A MAN who drove while disqualified nine times has been jailed for nine months.

Mark Anthony Turner falsely claimed on one occasion that he was defying the driving ban because his mother had just died.

The 46-year-old was also convicted of driving without insurance nine times.

Legal adviser Paul Lee, prosecuting, told the Magistrate’s Court that Turner had driven six times in November and three times in December – despite being banned from the roads.

Mr Lee added: “He said once: ‘I have to drive because my mother has just passed away and I need to get to the old people’s home.’

“That was a lie. His mother had not passed away.”

Advocate Sarah Dale, defending, said her client had debts to pay and a prison sentence would prevent him from earning money to pay them. She argued for a community service order.

But Relief Magistrate David Le Cornu told Turner: “This was a breach of an order of the court on a number of occasions over a period of time.

“I accept that you pleaded guilty early, but that is not of great value.

“In all the circumstances, an immediate prison sentence is, in my view, the only way to deal with the matter. I don’t believe the alternative of community service is appropriate.”

As well as the jail sentence, Turner was banned from driving for another two years.

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