Jersey police highlight support services after rapist is jailed

Andrei Dumitrache. Picture supplied by the States police. (37388808)

THE States police has moved to reassure victims of sexual violence that support is available and that perpetrators will be brought to justice, following the sentencing of a 29-year-old man for rape.

Andrei Alexandru Dumitrache was jailed for six years and nine months after he assaulted and raped a woman in her home, in what Deputy Bailiff Robert MacRae described as a “calculated use of violence to punish, humiliate and degrade”.

Alongside being placed on the Sex Offenders Register, Dumitrache was handed a restraining order and will be recommended for deportation to Romania.

Commenting following the sentencing, Sgt James Clark said the States police wanted to “assure victims that there are a number of agencies who are able to offer support and guidance through all stages of the criminal-justice process”.

Sgt Clark added that he hoped the sentencing offered the victim “some form of closure”.

He added: “We continue to work alongside partners, especially support and advocacy services such as the Sexual Assault Referral Centre, Jersey Domestic and Sexual Abuse Support, Jersey Action Against Rape and the Jersey Women’s Refuge, to encourage victims of sexual crime to report such incidents.

“It is important that people know that they can contact these services for advice, and support, without an obligation to pursue a criminal investigation.”

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