Interest in Nude Food sites ‘encouraging’, say agents

Nude Food St Aubin Picture: DAVID FERGUSON. (37336728)

TWO restaurant sites in St Brelade formerly run by Nude Food are being marketed to prospective new operators.

Nude Food’s sites at La Haule and La Pulente became available in the wake of the sudden collapse of the business, which ceased trading in late November.

The venue at La Pulente, formerly Nude Dunes, is available for outright sale at an undisclosed price. Interest is also being sought for the smaller La Haule site, which traded as Nude Beach, with prospective operators offered the chance to take on the lease – this involves an unspecified acquisition fee as well as £20,000 in annual fees covering the lease and licence.

Nude Food La Pulente Picture: DAVID FERGUSON. (37336739)

Jonathan Quérée of Quérée Consultants, the company marketing the sites, reported considerable interest in both properties.

He said: “Given that the market and the economy are pretty muted, and it’s January, the response has been very positive, both from established operators and individuals who we didn’t previously know.

“We haven’t yet achieved offers that we are comfortable with, so both sites remain on the market, but the interest we’ve had has been encouraging.”

The “Nude” business, founded by Lucy Morris and Jackson Lowe, started with Nude Town in St Helier in 2016 and, then opened Nude Beach at La Haule, just outside St Aubin, in 2019.

Following interest from investors, the company then moved to acquire the former toilet block site at La Pulente and develop Nude Dunes, a construction project that ran 18 months longer than anticipated as a result of Covid-related delays.

The venue was marketed for sale in early 2023 for £3.5 million but the company did not succeed in securing new investment. Nude Dunes finally opened last June, operating for five months before the company ceased trading and appointed Grant Thornton to handle the liquidation process.

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