Dog-walkers warned to beware of oil on beach


ISLANDERS are being warned to be vigilant while walking dogs on the beach following reports of oil being washed ashore.

Earlier this month, a small amount of oil was found among seaweed in St Ouen’s Bay, and in recent days there have been similar discoveries along some south-coast beaches, including Grève d’Azette.

A number of seabirds have also been seen coated in oil, with at least two reportedly found dead.

New Era Vets and the government have advised dog walkers to be vigilant.

JEP Nature correspondent Bob Tompkins added that several guillemots had been found with light oil on them in the past few weeks, but stressed that this was not uncommon during winter.

He added: “We tend to get two or three a month which have light oil on them.

“The oil is likely to be contained within the strand line, so I would urge Islanders to try to avoid it. That is where the weeds collect the oils and when dogs scrabble over it, they can easily coat themselves in it.

Mr Tompkins continued: “It is more common this time of year because of the weather patterns and strong westerly winds.”

Staff from the government’s Pollution Control team visited St Ouen’s Bay several times recently and found a small amount of debris covered with oil among seaweed. However, they have not received any official reports of oiled birds.

Wildlife photographer John Ovenden said he had recently seen a black-headed gull coated in oil flying in St Ouen’s Bay.

“It will probably never get rid of the oil, and it was very sad to see.

“I have seen a few other birds with oily marks on them too, but this was the first time I had seen one in flight.

“You have to wonder what damage it is doing, not just to the birds but the sea-life too, as it will eventually all drop to the sea bed.”

In a statement, the government said: “Pollution Control has not received any direct reports of more oil since the last update, but has been made aware of a report on Facebook of oil on the south coast.

“Dog walkers are reminded to remain vigilant.”

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