'I’m going to kill you and I’m going to kill your family'

Andrew David Johnstone Picture STATES OF JERSEY POLICE (37225226)

A MAN who threatened to kill a States police officer and stole alcohol from two shops has been jailed for eight weeks – and ordered to pay for the drink.

Andrew David Johnstone (44) was arrested for being drunk and disorderly on 25 February, the Magistrate’s Court was told yesterday.

Advocate Howard Tobias, prosecuting, said Johnstone had become “aggressive and argumentative” when the police arrived, shouting and swearing at them.

He added: “He said to one: ‘I’m going to kill you and I’m going to kill your family.’”

Then, on 27 March, Johnstone stole a bottle of wine from Morrisons in Val Plaisant and three days later stole four cans of beer from the same shop.

On 28 July he stole another bottle of wine from Iceland in Bath Street, the court heard. The combined value of the alcohol stolen was £25.

The court heard that Johnstone had previous convictions for assault, theft and being drunk and disorderly within the past three years.

Advocate James Bell, defending, pointed out that Johnstone had pleaded guilty to the charges of drunk-and-disorderly behaviour and the three counts of larceny.

Of the threats to the police officer, the advocate said: “He takes full responsibility for his actions. He knows that kind of language is unacceptable.”

He said his client had had an alcohol problem for many years and was now seeking help to tackle it, and added: “He knows he will be spending the Christmas period in La Moye, but he hopes to move forward in the new year.”

Assistant Magistrate Adam Clarke told Johnstone: “The cause of the vast majority of your offending is alcohol.

“It is entirely down to you to ensure that you control it.”

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