Jersey's Soup Kitchen returns next week to celebrate 25 years of fundraising

Picture: ROB CURRIE. (37134664)

THE Soup Kitchen celebrates its 25th anniversary this year, returning to the Royal Square next week to raise much-needed funds for a local homeless charity.

Carol singers will entertain the crowds on Tuesday and there will be over 37 soups on offer, with all money raised at the annual event donated to the Shelter Trust.

These include chicken, lobster with sweetcorn, cauliflower curry with coconut, and cream of winter cajun chicken.

They will be created by community groups and some of the Island’s top hotels and restaurants.

The event has to date raised more than £220,000 for the charity, which supports an average of 600 homeless people a year.

It is hoped that the funds raised this year will take the 25-year total to £250,000.

Founder Michelle Cuthbert said: “When I look back at the birth of the Soup Kitchen in 1999, with five soups on a table in the Royal Square, never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined that it would grow so quickly and raise as much money and awareness of the homeless as it has.”

Dr Karen Kyd, wife of the Lieutenant-Governor, will serve the soup donated by Government House and open the Soup Kitchen by cutting a silver ribbon in celebration of the event’s anniversary.

The Soup Kitchen is sponsored by LGT Wealth Management and organised by Shelter Trust supporters.

Soup and bread will be on offer from 10.30am to 2pm and can be purchased for a minimum donation of £3.

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