Storm Ciarán: Jersey Zoo to remain closed until further notice


JERSEY Zoo is to remain closed until further notice after sustaining significant damage in Storm Ciarán.

A number of enclosures and several buildings have be damaged, but all the animals are safe.

The Zoo’s charity shop will also remain closed.

In a statement, the Zoo said: “As you know, lots of trees have fallen at the Zoo, and some damage has been done to buildings.

“Several enclosures have been affected and our organic farm has sadly been destroyed. All the animals are safe, and our dedicated team continues to closely monitor and care for them while the clear-up mission takes place.

“We announced on Thursday that the Zoo would remain closed on Saturday and Sunday, however due to the scale of the clear-up, we have decided to remain closed until further notice. This includes the Visitor Centre, Zoo Shop, Café Firefly and Durrell Charity Shop. We will be in touch again when we know the zoo is safe to reopen.

“We’d like to thank everyone for their support and understanding at this challenging time – for the team at the zoo and for the whole island community.

“We look forward to welcoming our members and visitors back through our gates as soon as it is safe to do so.”

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