Jersey's coin hoard exhibition undamaged by Storm Ciarán

The new gallery at La Hougue Bie was recently opened (Picture: Ollie Jones). (36929803)

THE coin hoard exhibition at Hougue Bie was unaffected despite damage to the gallery building, the head of Jersey Heritage has said.

Jon Carter, the chief executive, also confirmed that its sites would re-open as normal this weekend, except Hougue Bie. The site is to remain closed due to fallen trees making it unsafe for visitors.

Mr Carter added: “Given the strength of Storm Ciarán, the damage to our heritage sites was minimal in the end and thanks go to our staff who helped to batten down the hatches beforehand and were out today checking the situation at each site.”

He outlined the damage to the Island’s heritage sites, saying: “Aside from lots of debris to clear up, there was some minor damage to the building at Sir Francis Cook Gallery, trees down at Hamptonne Country Life Museum, and some more down at La Hougue Bie, where one of the trees came down and landed on the roof of the gallery building.

“The damage is still being assessed, but the coin hoard exhibition inside is unaffected.”

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