Condor offers alternative sailings before ‘significant deterioration’ in the weather

Condor Voyager Picture: JON GUEGAN (36862800)

PASSENGERS due to sail with Condor this weekend are being invited to bring their trips forward due to forecast poor weather that could disrupt sea travel from Friday.

The ferry company has added new Poole and St Malo high-speed sailings tomorrow and is encouraging travellers to switch to these alternative departures, warning of a “significant deterioration” in the weather forecast for Friday “and potentially over the weekend” that could affect all services.

Condor’s operations director, Elwyn Dop, said: “The weather is unpredictable at the moment and may change from the current forecasts, but this Friday is looking to be outside of our safe operating limits.

“We therefore want to be proactive and prudent by contacting passengers early to notify them to change bookings if they are able to travel earlier than scheduled.”

A new Liberation sailing to Guernsey and Jersey will operate from Poole tomorrow, while St Malo to Jersey and Guernsey round-trips have also been added using Voyager.

The company has advised that services over the weekend, “notably on Sunday”, may be affected and has said it will be monitoring forecasts to advise passengers of any other changes over the course of this week.

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