New drone team to help search for missing people in Jersey

Andrew Scott Miller (36827678)

A PROJECT to start a volunteer-led drone team to help search for missing Islanders is among the first beneficiaries of a new government-funded technology scheme.

An open grant programme – forming part of the Digital Jersey-run Impact Jersey scheme – was launched in the summer, offering applicants the opportunity to be awarded up to £75,000 to develop tech-driven solutions to address one or more of eight “strategic priorities”.

Themes included climate change, housing, transport, health, supply-chain resilience and skills, as well as productivity and development of new economic sectors.

The Impact Jersey initiative aims to support the Island’s future economy, environmental ambitions and community goals.

Through a series of programmes it will award up to £20 million – funded by the government – over the coming years. A “technology accelerator fund” was approved by States Members last year, utilising the windfall the previous government received from the sale of JT’s Internet of Things division.

An initial wave of grant recipients, selected by a panel of independent expert judges, has been announced.

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