Jersey Hospital ward closed to visitors after Covid cases

Picture: Shutterstock (36789195)

COVID cases at the Hospital have prompted the Health Department to close the surgical ward to visitors.

Patients currently in the ward and their families have been informed, following a handful of infections.

The department said in a statement that “some of the patients on this ward (which does not include theatres) have Covid.”

The surgical floor hosts up to 26 patients, who can normally each receive two visitors.

Despite the change, patients will be discharged as normal.

The department added: “To accompany this message, the Hospital and Health and Community Services (HCS) request Islanders do not to visit the Hospital or any other HCS sites if they feel unwell or have respiratory or Norovirus-like symptoms. This will help stop the spread of infection.

“Various viral infections are more common in winter.

“This type of response and the accompanying communication is typical and routine over these periods, and helps prevent further spread of infection and additional pressure on our services.”

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