Art exhibition aims to help raise awareness of domestic abuse

Cathy Sara: "The installation’s title is “Emerging”, and it seeks to explore the complex journey of restoration – how it unfolds or unravels, how it twists and turns, how it affects body, mind and soul." (36734994)

ORGANISERS of an art exhibition inspired by the personal experiences of Islanders affected by domestic abuse hope to raise awareness of the issue in Jersey.

“Emerging” will be on display at the Salvation Army Café in Minden Street between 9am and 4pm from today until Friday 13 October.

It is the fifth year that Kairos Arts – a Jersey-registered charity and group of creatives and therapists who work with vulnerable people – has staged an art installation, which helps people share their stories of abuse, coercive behaviour and other trauma, which has deeply affected them.

As well as the exhibition, Kairos Arts will also open a pop-up shop in the same location, selling artisan products which support both their work in Jersey and in India and Bolivia, where they work with women and girls who have suffered trauma, are transitioning out of sex work, or who have been rescued from trafficking.

A pop-up shop run by Kairos Arts. (36734992)

Cathy Sara, founder and creative director of Kairos Arts, said that the “Emerging exhibition had been inspired by one of the themes that had come out of monthly drop-in sessions that the charity set up and has run for past participants of their programmes for people affected by domestic abuse”.

She continued: “Although most of their work is a private part of their therapeutic process during monthly group sessions, this one public project invites participants to consider what they wish to say through art to raise awareness about domestic abuse. The aim is to provoke thought and help some who visits to know that they are not alone in their experience.”

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