Two men accused of attack ‘were trying to retrieve stolen bag of food’


ONE of two men accused of attacking another man in St Helier town centre said he was only trying to retrieve a bag of food the alleged victim had stolen, “because I’m a nice person”.

Addison Thomas Mazurke was giving evidence on the third day of his trial in the Royal Court.

Mr Mazurke (29) and co-defendant Mark Christopher James Goodchild (36) are accused of attacking a man, stealing his shoes and filming him on a mobile phone as he lay on the ground.

They deny charges of grave and criminal assault and theft, although at an earlier hearing Mr Mazurke pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of common assault.

Under questioning from Crown Advocate Matthew Maletroit, prosecuting, he said he had initially confronted the alleged victim when he saw him snatch the bag of food.

He said: “I saw him taking the bag off the two young Asian lads and I tried to get it back, because I’m a nice person. It was an act of kindness.”

Crown Advocate Maletroit asked him why he had claimed not to remember anything of the evening when first questioned by the States police but now seemed able to recall details.

He said: “My memory has come back.”

The Crown Advocate said: “You, together with Mr Goodchild, gave the victim a severe beating.

“You delivered numerous blows, some when he was on the ground, and you filmed it for your amusement.”

Mr Mazurke replied: “No.”

Jemeniano Padasas confirmed Mr Mazurke’s account that the alleged victim had stolen a bag of food from him, the court heard.

He said he and a friend had been in the town centre the same evening, when the bag was taken by the man who was later attacked.

He said: “Someone snatched the bag out of the blue. He just walked away. He didn’t say anything.”

Mr Padasas added: “I felt like I was being racially attacked. We are gay, and I also felt like it may have been a homophobic attack.

“He continued walking and Mr Mazurke and Mr Goodchild approached him.”

Mr Padasas said he saw Mr Mazurke and Mr Goodchild again some time later.

He recalled: “Mr Mazurke said he was sorry he didn’t get my bag back. I said it was fine and thanked him.”

However, Advocate Chris Baglin, defending Mr Goodchild, questioned whether he could be sure Mr Goodchild was one of the pair, having never met him before.

The trial is expected to conclude today.

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