Jersey teen sells car and buys less powerful model after being caught speeding

Picture: ROB CURRIE. (36586956)

A 17-YEAR-OLD who drove through St Brelade at almost twice the speed limit has apologised to the Youth Court – and said he has now sold his car for a less powerful model.

The teenager, who cannot be named, was fined £100 and banned from driving for a month.

But Relief Magistrate Sarah Fitz said the penalty would have been harsher if he had been an adult.

Legal adviser Samantha Morris, prosecuting, told the court that the police were carrying out speed checks on the evening of 25 May and spotted the teenager at 9.45pm driving at 55mph along a stretch of road with a 30mph speed limit. ‘He seemed to be accelerating,’ she added.

The teenager read out a letter of remorse in court, saying: ‘I would like to apologise for my actions.

‘They were irresponsible and unnecessary. I am truly sorry that this is my first and last offence and you will not be seeing me here again.’

He added that he had now sold his car and bought a smaller, less powerful vehicle.

The Relief Magistrate gave him credit for his apology and the fact that he had sold the car, but said: ‘I cannot completely avoid a disqualification.

‘For an adult it would be six months.’

She said it was not necessary for the teenager to retake the driving test.

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