30mph Jersey speed limit would ‘rationalise position for drivers’


THE prospect of a 30mph Island speed limit, raised at a Scrutiny hearing last week, would ‘rationalise’ the position for motorists rather than bringing about further reductions in speed limits, Infrastructure Minister Tom Binet has said.

The minister sought to clarify the intention behind a new approach to speed limits which he discussed at a hearing of the Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Scrutiny Panel.

‘I hate over-regulation. This is not about introducing extra regulation. I am not talking about further reductions but looking at ways of reflecting what we currently have differently,’ Deputy Binet said, adding that he wanted to find a way of rationalising the predominance of 30mph limits.

At last week’s meeting, Deputy Binet suggested introducing a presumptive 30mph limit and indicating by way of exception those areas where 40mph was permitted as a means both of reducing confusion for motorists and the need for so much signage.

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