Open day to give Islanders behind-the-scenes view of emergency services

The coastguard operations room will be one of the places open to the public this Saturday Picture: DAVID FERGUSON (4216711)

RESCUE services are preparing to give Islanders a ‘rare’ behind-the-scenes insight into their work at an open day this Saturday.

Jersey Coastguard, RNLI Jersey, Jersey Lifeboat Association, Jersey Fire and Rescue Service, and the Airport Rescue and Fire Fighting Service are all expected to be a part of the event at Albert Pier.

Dan Downey, coastguard and vessel traffic service manager, said Jersey Coastguard were ‘delighted to open our doors to mark Emergency Services Day and give people a chance to see what is involved in controlling and safeguarding our surrounding seas’.

He said: ‘It’s rare for the public to go behind-the-scenes at an event such as this and living on an island as we do, where the sea plays such an important part in many of our lives, events like this are always of great interest to people.’

They plan to let visitors tour their search and rescue assets and meet officers from around the service.

Alongside emergency services, Jersey Met will also open the doors of its headquarters at Maritime House to anyone interested in weather forecasting.

The event is for Emergency Services Day or ‘999 Day’, which is marked in Jersey as well as across the UK.

Mr Downey added: ‘It’s great that we will be joined by our search and rescue partners who have agreed to open their assets for public viewing as well.

‘I’m sure it will be a great day and something different to do – and there will be cakes!’

The event takes place between 10am and 2pm. It is free with no pre-booking required.

Because of the small size of the Maritime Operations Centre, visitors will be allowed in in groups of 12 or fewer every 15 minutes. Children must be accompanied by an adult.

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