Probation for teens over attempt to import cannabis into Jersey

Picture: ROB CURRIE. (36478007)

A TEENAGE boy who tried to smuggle cannabis into Jersey worth up to £10,000 by persuading another teenager to have it sent to her address has been sentenced to 90 hours of community service and put on probation for a year.

And the girl, who allowed him to use her home for the attempted importation, has also received a year’s probation. The two cannot be named because they are both16 years old.

The Youth Court heard that the boy tried to bring cannabis with an estimated street value of between £5,000 and £10,000 into the Island. He had asked the girl to let him have the drug sent to her home.

Advocate Nicholas Mière, defending, said: ‘She is an intelligent girl who made a very foolish decision.

‘She must learn from this and she has already begun that process.’

The Magistrate, Bridget Shaw, told the boy: ‘If you were an adult you would be facing custody.

‘By involving somebody else you caused harm to her and her family as well.’

And she told the girl: ‘Every 16-year-old knows that cannabis is illegal. If you were older we would have to look at custody.’

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