Avian flu halts bird section of show

Poultry such as farm chickens are vulnerable to diseases. (36440862)

THE bird section of this weekend’s Royal Jersey Agricultural and Horticultural Society summer show did not go ahead following the introduction of avian-influenza restrictions.

While there were no poultry, cage birds or pigeons, Islanders were able to see rabbits and guinea pigs.

Last month, a flock of chickens was culled at a home in St Martin and a 3km radius ‘protection zone’ was implemented following two deaths, which it was confirmed had been caused by avian influenza.

Environment Minister Jonathan Renouf also enforced an Island-wide surveillance zone, meaning the bird section of the this weekend’s event could no longer take place.

Collette Bisson, president of the Jersey Poultry and Ornithological Society, said: ‘We had hoped to go ahead with the bird section of the event this year, as it had been a while since the last outbreak of bird flu and restrictions had been lifted. The outbreak near Archirondel only a matter of weeks ago meant restrictions came back.’

Last year’s bird section was also cancelled because of avian flu.

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