Vintage-Ferrari owner fined for driving unregistered car


THE owner of a vintage Ferrari who drove his car while it was not registered in Jersey has been fined £700.

Matthew Revell Smith (52) was seen driving the vehicle along La Neuve Route in St Brelade on 29 January this year.

The Magistrate’s Court heard that the car was not registered in Jersey, and bore only the ‘trade licence plates’ used by garages when they test-drive newly repaired vehicles.

He was told to provide his insurance details at the parish hall within seven days but St Brelade Centenier Amanda Wright, prosecuting, told the court: ‘That didn’t happen.’

He admitted the offences of using a vehicle without registration and failing to produce insurance. However, Advocate Lee Ingram, defending, insisted that the offences amounted to ‘a technical breach’.

He said Smith had bought the car in England and did have insurance for it, but had failed to submit it in time because he had been on holiday.

And he added: ‘Mr Smith believed he was allowed to drive the car on Jersey roads.

‘He didn’t believe he was doing anything wrong on that one occasion by test-driving it himself.’

Magistrate Bridget Shaw accepted there could be confusion between vehicle regulations in Jersey and those in the UK but told Smith: ‘You have to make sure you are keeping to the rules.’

She imposed a £500 fine for driving without registration and a further £200 for not providing proof of insurance.

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