Parents and children encouraged to share their opinions of Jersey Library

Children's Lunar New Year Art workshop at Jersey Library. Left to right: Vitoria Ferreira (3) and Autumn De La Haye (4) Picture: ROB CURRIE. (36368747)

PARENTS and children who have been using Jersey Library are being asked to share their opinions to make sure it is ‘a welcoming, comfortable, and exciting space to engage with reading, books and stories’.

The consultation on the Library’s service for children asks which activities and spaces are ‘most valuable’ as well as what users would like to see introduced. Children and young people are encouraged to take part.

The survey will be open until Saturday 16 September and is available in English, Portuguese, Polish and Romanian. Parents can complete the survey online and children and young people can complete it in person at Jersey Library.

The results of the survey will be published later in the year online and available at the Library.

Chief Librarian Ed Jewell said: ‘We’re fortunate to have a dedicated, flexible space for our children’s library. While it’s already extremely well used by many Islanders, we are committed to continually improving our services and what we offer to ensure the Library reflects the needs of our whole community.

‘I’d encourage children, parents and carers to pop down to the Jersey Library over the summer, and let us know what they like, and what they’d like to see more of.’

Assistant Children’s and Education Minister Louise Doublet said: ‘It is vital that all children and families have a welcoming, comfortable and exciting space to engage with reading, books and stories.

‘Extensive evidence demonstrates that children who read for pleasure are not only likely to have improved educational outcomes, but they are also likely to have better life outcomes overall.’

Deputy Doublet said she was also ‘pleased that children and young people are being invited to meaningfully shape the future of the space that serves them’, adding: ‘I look forward to hearing their views and helping them come to life.’

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