Jersey Customs seize heroin disguised as Cadbury Eclairs

Picture: Jersey Customs and Immigration Service (36370732)

MORE than £400,000 worth of drugs – including heroin disguised as Cadbury Eclairs – have been seized during the last two weeks.

Customs officers have intercepted seven consignments of what they say were commercial quantities of drugs made up of cocaine, heroin, MDMA and cannabis.

Among the packages was heroin concealed within two chocolate wrappers mixed with other genuine chocolates that were in a postal packet, according to Customs.

Picture: Customs and Immigration Service (36370745)

Seizures were made from an arriving passenger, postal parcels and in freight which resulted in three house searches, four people being arrested, one charged and three released on bail pending further inquiries.

In a statement, Luke Goddard, a senior manager at Customs, said: ‘The recent multiple seizures made by our teams at the ports, which includes controlling postal and freight traffic, demonstrate the ability of this service to prevent dangerous drugs from entering the Island.

‘Despite the resulting high workload from investigating these cases, which are still ongoing, we have been able to simultaneously deal with peak passenger numbers coming through the ports and not unduly delaying the travelling public.’

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