Community service for crash driver who gave false name

Magistrates Court. Picture: ROB CURRIE. (36240375)

AN 18-YEAR-OLD woman who gave a false name after crashing her car – and stood in front of the number plate to conceal it – has been sentenced to 90 hours of community service and fined £300.

Mia Jones was also banned from the roads for three months, following the accident at 7.20pm on 6 March.

St Lawrence Centenier Stuart Lusby told the Magistrate’s Court that a man had called the States police that evening after Jones’s car hit a post and fence outside his home.

He said: ‘The driver had given a false name and tried to hide the registration number.’

But the homeowner spotted it and passed it on to police. Jones was also found not to have a licence or insurance for the vehicle. She admitted the three offences of failing to report an accident, driving without insurance and driving without a valid licence.

Advocate Mark Boothman, defending, asked the court to be ‘as lenient as possible’, saying: ‘She is a young woman and young people make silly mistakes.

‘She was distressed and panicky, and reacted in the way she did. She is extremely remorseful.’

He added: ‘Thankfully the damage was minimal. Thankfully no one was hurt.’

Jones was considered at low risk of reconviction, so Assistant Magistrate Sarah Fitz told her: ‘I am sure we won’t be seeing you in court again.’

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