Motorist fined for driving while using a mobile


A 23-YEAR-OLD motorist has admitted driving while using a mobile phone.

Nathan Thomas Corrigan also pleaded guilty to failing to notify the authorities of a change of address twice and of failing to pay a parking ticket.

He was fined a total of £520.

The Magistrate’s Court heard that Corrigan was spotted using his phone while driving along Route de Beaumont. St Peter Centenier Joao Camara said the defendant had appeared to be texting. Corrigan had been reminded to notify the Driving and Vehicle Standards of his change of address in September and again after the offence, but had not done so. He also admitted parking and failing to display a yellow disc on 24 May last year.

Assistant Magistrate Sarah Fitz fined him £250 for using his phone while driving, £100 each for the two failures to give DVS his new address and £70 for the parking offence.

She decided not to endorse Corrigan’s licence but, as the court heard that he had a previous conviction for speeding, she told him: ‘You really need to get a grip on your obligations as a motorist. If you end up back in court for a motoring offence, you will be looking at an endorsement, if not a disqualification.’

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