BBC Jersey staff join UK walkout


FOUR employees from BBC Jersey gathered outside the organisation’s Parade Road office yesterday as part of the national strike against cuts to BBC Local.

The strike, which was organised by the National Union of Journalists and was due to last until 11am today, meant there was no Channel Islands News on BBC One yesterday.

Following unsuccessful negotiations with the BBC, the NUJ balloted its members and, of the 1,000 members asked, 83% voted in favour of industrial action.

Michelle Stanistreet, NUJ general secretary, said of the strike action: ‘Staff are striking this week as a last resort. They are under no illusion that the BBC’s plans will undermine already hollowed-out local radio content across England.

‘It’s not simply a question about jobs and conditions for our members. They believe passionately in the value that quality local content brings to their audiences, journalism that is trusted and relied upon in the communities they serve.’

While the cuts do not specifically affect BBC Jersey, NUJ members at the local station decided to walk out in support of the national strike.

A BBC spokesperson said: ‘We are obviously disappointed that the strike has gone ahead. We have a plan to modernise local services across England – including more news journalists and a stronger local online service – which will see no overall reduction in staffing levels or local funding.

‘Our goal is a local service across television, radio and online that delivers even greater value to communities. We will continue to engage with the trade union and do everything possible to minimise the impact on staff.’

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