Heavy rainfall warning issued for Jersey as flood-risk action taken

Flooding around Grands Vaux in January, caused by heavy rainfall

A HEAVY rain warning has been issued – with government staff clearing drains around Grands Vaux and other flood-risk zones around the Island.

Around 35mm of rainfall is expected on Tuesday evening and overnight – around half the amount which usually falls during the whole of March.

Earlier this year, Grands Vaux was hit be severe flooding, with dozens of households evacuated and some still unable to return home.

Large areas around Grands Vaux were left under several feet of water as half a month’s rainfall fell in the space of a few hours.

Shortly after the incident, Jersey Met said it was considering issuing ‘rainfall event warnings’ in future to enable Islanders to prepare for severe weather.

Following a much drier than average February, the Island reservoirs are holding less water than normal for this time of year with overall storage currently at 95%. Typically, they would be full at this time of year and Jersey Water is continuing to monitor reservoir levels.

The government is warning that the next seven days are expected to see significant amounts of rain, with the heaviest rainfall forecast tonight.

Group director of Natural Environment, Willie Peggie, said: ‘The current weather forecast is for significant rain tonight into tomorrow in Jersey, possibly up to 35mm, which has the potential to create standing water on the roads and in low-lying areas.

‘We’re monitoring the situation and working with our partners, including Jersey Water and the parishes to be as prepared as possible for heavy rainfall.’

The government has confirmed that drainage teams from the Infrastructure, Housing and Environment Department have been out over the last few days checking the gullies and clearing the drains in the Grand Vaux area and other low-lying hotspots around the Island.

Islanders are being advised to look out for updated weather forecasts and follow any flood defence advice provided.

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