Guernsey teachers ballot on strike action – and claim Jersey counterparts are paid more

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TEACHERS in Guernsey are to be balloted over industrial action, as a union claims they are paid less than their Jersey counterparts.

The NASUWT and NEU unions will ballot members on both strike action and action short of a strike.

An NASUWT spokeswoman said there was a clear desire for action. ‘Members are feeling extremely angry with the situation, both towards pay and workload,’ she said.

‘Teachers have been very patient, but that patience is exhausted, and the States must realise the seriousness of the situation.’

The union said that senior Guernsey teachers were getting less than staff in Jersey.

‘Teachers on the top of the pay scale in Jersey receive £57,754.30, while the equivalent teacher in Guernsey is currently being paid £50,362, although awards are pending on both islands.’

NEU representative Paul Montague said members had indicated that they wanted to be balloted on action.

‘Of course we hope the States, as an employer, takes seriously what is going on and gets back around the table to talk.’

Teaching unions in Jersey have indicated they are unhappy with a 7.9% pay offer but have not been formally balloted.

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