Hit parked Mercedes and did not report it

A VAN driver who hit a parked car while under the influence of alcohol has been fined £2,700 and banned from driving for 17 months.

Paul Le Neveu (60) was over the legal alcohol limit when he drove his white Ford Transit van out of Les Quennevais Precinct car park in St Brelade on the afternoon of 11 December, the Magistrate’s Court was told.

He hit a silver Mercedes Benz that was parked there but he reversed and drove off.

However, St Brelade Centenier Amanda Wright said that a witness followed him until he eventually stopped.

She told the court: ‘He came over to the witness’s vehicle and said: “Are you following me?”

‘She said: “Yes, and you know why, don’t you?” She formed the opinion that he had been drinking and was possibly drunk.’

A police breath test showed Le Neveu had 62 micrograms of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath. The legal maximum is 35 micrograms.

Advocate Estelle Burns, defending, said Le Neveu had pleaded guilty to the charges of drink-driving and failing to report an accident at the earliest opportunity.

She added: ‘He was fully co-operative in interview and with the witness. He didn’t seek to argue.’

She also pointed out: ‘The damage to the other vehicle was fairly minor.’

Assistant Magistrate Peter Harris said the offences ‘crossed the custody threshold’ but gave Le Neveu credit for his guilty plea by imposing a fine and driving ban instead.

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