Man convicted of defacing climate change artwork

Vandalism on the Climate Change mural at the underpass..Picture: DAVID FERGUSON. (35062811)

A 63-YEAR-OLD man has been convicted of defacing the climate change mural at the Waterfront in 2021.

Ruedi Wragg denied three counts of malicious damage but was convicted following a Magistrate’s Court trial. He was given a binding-over order and ordered to pay £500 in compensation and £800 in costs.

The offences took place in November and December of 2021 when Wragg used spray paint to deface the mural.

He was arrested on Boxing Day 2021 – with spray cans and a step ladder in his possession – after a member of the public called the police to report the vandalism.

Detective Constable Caroline Foord said: ‘Unauthorised graffiti is an act of vandalism and Wragg’s actions on these occasions ruined a public piece of art that had to be cleaned up and redesigned at a cost to taxpayers of over £4,000.’

Local artist Ian Rolls, who designed the mural wall, was commissioned by the government to create the artwork to raise awareness of climate change and the rising temperatures recorded locally.

Islanders who see graffiti are asked to report it online at or on the police website’s dedicated online reporting page.

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