Flood water at Grands Vaux drops as emergency operation is scaled back

Picture: JON GUEGAN. (35044735)

WATER levels at Grands Vaux are dropping and the emergency operation in the area is being scaled back.

Water rose to waist height during the peak of the flooding yesterday evening, after torrential rain fell on already saturated ground.

Picture: JON GUEGAN. (35044701)

Some residents had to be evacuated on boat after the road running through the valley became impassable.

The government’s social-housing provider Andium has confirmed there is no longer standing water at their sites in Grands Vaux.

The company is setting up an on-site office in 17 Pillar Gardens to risk-assess and accompany residents who want to gather possessions or return to their homes, if they are deemed safe.

Nearby Grands Vaux reservoir is still overflowing and sending water into nearby streams, and the sewers in the area are still full.

The government said that the sewers should have recovered by the end of the week.

Picture: JON GUEGAN. (35044703)

A Scientific Technical Advisory Cell is due to be formed today to consider any public health implications, following concerns that human waste has washed onto the streets, into people’s homes and into the sea.

Picture: JON GUEGAN. (35044731)

Parents are also being asked to be careful of where their children play, and pet owners should also be extra vigilant, while sea swimming is being discouraged until public health officials confirm it is safe to do so.

All roads in the area have now reopened.

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