Push for online filing of tax forms


ISLANDERS are being advised to file their 2023 tax return online.

Currently 48% of people have chosen to submit their returns via the gov.je website.

This year, a new digital ID verification system has been launched – called JerseyMe – which has been designed for Islanders who do not have smartphones and may require additional assistance in activating their digital accounts.

Videos of example tax returns being completed, for a retired couple and a single employed person, have also been created to help.

Comptroller of revenue Richard Summersgill said: ‘We receive customer feedback each year both on the onegov account activation process, and the tax return form itself.

‘We’ve worked closely with the government’s modernisation and digital team to respond to what our customers have told us, both improving our online tax return form, and making onegov accounts, needed to use our form, more accessible.

‘I’m confident the addition of the JerseyMe option, improvements to [the] Yoti option for digital identity, and changes to our tax form, will benefit customers.

‘I also hope our new demonstration videos may take the mystery out of the online tax form and encourage customers to give online filing a try.’

Meanwhile, the traditional paper returns are due to start being delivered to homes this week, with Islanders receiving their copy at some point over the next two weeks.

Islanders can find more information about online filing as well as help with their paper returns at gov.je/MyTaxReturn or by calling 440300.

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