Search for ‘Nozy’ graffiti artist targetting Jersey's Occupation bunkers

Graffiti on a bunker at St Ouen's Bay (34999448)

AN Occupation group is asking St Helier officials to clamp down on a graffiti artist whose work has appeared on a number of bunkers in the Island.

The Channel lslands Occupation Society has written to the parish, ahead of today’s roads committee meeting, asking them to put an end to the graffiti to save Jersey’s historic structures from becoming ‘sad and neglected’.

So far, the artist who has caused concern, and signs his artwork as ‘Nozy’, has eluded capture.

The society said that the ‘unsightly graffiti’ first appeared in 2020 on a German artillery battery located at the top of Westmount Gardens. However, to their ‘relief’, it was removed.

Fresh graffiti appeared shorty afterwards, which was also signed with the ‘Nozy’ tag.

The society expressed their dismay that this graffiti was ‘still in situ over 18 months later’. They have suggested that ‘tolerating graffiti encourages the vandalism of other historic structures, as well as the Island’s public infrastructure as a whole’.

In a letter to the parish, they say: ‘Two listed bunkers in St Ouen’s Bay were daubed with highly visible graffiti during the past year and one of the perpetrators was again Nozy.

‘It is reasonable to assume that they drew inspiration from the fact that they had been allowed to leave their mark on the bunker at Westmount Gardens for such an extended period.’

The society concluded that if ‘Nozy’ and his fellow artists continued to be allowed a free rein, Jersey’s ‘streets and historic structures will soon look sad and neglected’.

Responding to the society, St Helier’s new chief executive, Andrew Sugden, confirmed that there had been an increase in graffiti in recent years.

He said that parish officers were working closely with the States and honorary police to deal with the problem.

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