Pier Road explosion: two further fatalities confirmed

Picture: ROB CURRIE. (34854705)

TWO further fatalities have been confirmed following a major explosion at the Haut du Mont site on Pier Road.

Police chief Robin Smith said that the total number of Islanders confirmed to have been killed by the blast on Saturday morning was now seven, and it is estimated that two residents remain unaccounted for.

Mr Smith added that the fatalities had not yet been formally identified.

Police Chief Robin Smith asked that the privacy of the families ‘continues to be respected’.

‘The families have been made aware of this announcement and are being supported by specially trained Family Liaison Officers,’ he said.

‘The Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) process must be carefully considered and managed in a dignified and compassionate way.

‘Therefore, we are not yet able to confirm if the fatalities that have been found at the site correspond to the seven identities released by the missing Islanders families yesterday afternoon,’ he continued.

He added that the identities of the other Islanders are due to be released by their families at a later date.

‘My thoughts and those of all the emergency response continues to be with the victims and families affected by this tragic incident.

‘May I ask that the privacy of the families continues to be respected.’

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