Increased police presence in Jersey to combat violence during Christmas period

Picture: DAVID FERGUSON. (34829941)

THE States police will have an increased presence during the evenings throughout December to help prevent violence and offending over the Christmas period.

Officers will be working with licensed premises to ensure those celebrating are doing so safely and within the law.

Chief Inspector Chris Beechey, head of community policing, said: ‘We want people to have fun this Christmas and to enjoy their nights out safely; the message is clear, look out for each other, stay safe and don’t spoil your night by drinking too much.

‘It’s our aim to ensure that everyone has a safe night out and we’ll be working alongside key stakeholders such as the honorary police and street pastors to ensure that everyone is safeguarded and supported.’

St John’s Ambulance and Normandy Rescue will also be providing medical cover for the Weighbridge and additional areas of St Helier and St Aubin in order to support frontline ambulance operations.

Anyone who feels unsafe on a night out is urged to seek help immediately either from a member of staff in the venue or in an emergency, 999.

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