Sales of air fryers in Jersey 'goes crazy' amid cost-of-living crisis

Ricardo Gomes, a sales manager at Romerils, said sales of air fryers had started to spike over the last eight weeks. Picture: James Jeune (34695219)

DEMAND for air fryers has ‘gone crazy’ as Islanders try to save money during the cost-of-living crisis.

Spiralling costs, including jumps in gas and other utility charges, have prompted consumers to seek effective ways of saving money.

Ricardo Gomes, a sales manager at Romerils, explained that sales of air fryers – a kitchen appliance which circulates superheated air to cook food – had started to soar over the past eight weeks.

‘The demand has gone crazy. We had four pallets delivered on Monday, containing around 74 units, and we are now down to eight. We had 26 of another model delivered and now have five left. We are probably not far away from completely selling out of air fryers this weekend,’ he said, adding that future deliveries were being ‘brought forward’ as a result.

‘With the cost of energy bills going up, you can use that [an air fryer] instead of your main oven. It will cost you something like four or five pence an hour to run, [whereas] your main oven will cost you between 80 pence and a pound,’ he continued.

Air fryer sales have ‘gone crazy’ in the wake of the cost of living crisis and rising energy bills Picture: James Jeune (34695223)

‘It’s a very niche market, and it’s very difficult to obtain stock but it saves the end user money. I own one myself.’

Earlier this month, Island Energy – formerly known as Jersey Gas – introduced a 5% price rise in response to the global energy crisis.

Mr Gomes said: ‘I think that there will be a massive trend over the next three months for anything to do with saving energy.

‘I think people are reacting to the UK markets, even before the prices in Jersey have gone up.’

Jersey Consumer Council chairman Carl Walker said: ‘People are trying to save on food and energy bills. Air fryers do seem like a cost-effective way of cooking food but we would encourage people – such as those with large families – to do their research before buying to make sure they are going to get the best out of it.’

As well as electrical goods such as air fryers, Mr Walker said that the ‘snuddie’ – a cross between a hoodie and a blanket – was also among the sought-after items.

‘I do think we will see more demand for cost-saving products, especially locally, as we head into January and February when the winter really starts to bite,’ he added.

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