Bowling club’s future is safe, says Constable of St Helier

Westmout Bowls Club Picture: DAVID FERGUSON. (34619311)

THE future of the Jersey Bowling Club on Westmount is safe, according to the Constable of St Helier.

Simon Crowcroft hopes the parish will be able to extend the club’s lease before Christmas if the government’s decision to ditch plans for a single-site hospital at Overdale is approved.

Last week, Infrastructure Minister Tom Binet announced that the government was now pursuing a hybrid hospital spread across the existing Gloucester Street site, adjacent land at Kensington Place and Overdale.

This means that plans to relocate the club so that the road could be widened are likely to be shelved.

As part of the Our Hospital project, a planning application was submitted to relocate the club to Warwick Farm. Deputy Binet has now floated the idea that Warwick Farm could be used for housing.

Mr Crowcroft said: ‘It is my view that the future of the bowling club at Overdale is safe. I would love for them to stay there and it is what I have campaigned for all along.

‘Last week in the States I asked when the question mark around the future of the club would be removed and the minister said he was hoping to have some answers before Christmas.

‘Assuming the government doesn’t renew its efforts to dig up the bowling club, I would expect a new lease to be issued to them very soon.’

He added: ‘It is a historic site and has enormous value to St Helier. I’m sure parishioners would want to support any refurbishments they require because many of them are members of the club themselves.’

Jim Le Lion, president of the Jersey Bowling Club, said this week that they were still waiting to see where they stood. He said that they were unable to maintain the ‘deteriorating’ greens until they had a definitive answer on their future.

‘The lease with the parish is due to end in February next year and they cannot give us a proper lease until we are know what is going to happen,’ he said. ‘Our AGM is being held next Wednesday, when we will give members a further update. Our gut feeling is we will be allowed to stay next year.’

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