Runner able to head home to Kenya after prize money is paid

Bosuben Benard Kipkemoi, of Kenya, said yesterday that he was still waiting to receive his prize money for winning the race. (34543729)

THE winner of the Standard Chartered Jersey Marathon is set to fly home to Kenya today after being paid the prize money owed to him.

Bosuben Benard Kipkemoi had been facing the prospect of over-staying his UK visa, due to expire this Friday, because he was unable to afford an air ticket.

Mr Kipkemoi confirmed yesterday that he had received the £2,500 owed to him after winning the event in Jersey on 2 October, as well as £1,500 in prize money for his win in the Yorkshire Marathon two weeks later.

He said: ‘Everything is OK now. I was really very worried, but I have been able to arrange my ticket and will leave London at 8pm.’

Having originally borrowed money from friends in Kenya to obtain a return ticket for his trip to Europe, Mr Kipkemoi had to switch to a one-way flight as a result of complications related to Covid protocols.

The father of four had told the JEP he was concerned about the possible repercussions should he fail to leave the UK before his visa ran out.

3D Events, the company responsible for organising the Jersey Marathon, said that there was a standard approval process for all payments, which typically took three to four weeks, and said that all competitors were made aware of this before attending the event.

Mr Kipkemoi completed the 26.2-mile Jersey course in 2hr 21min 9sec, more than ten minutes ahead of his nearest rival, and two weeks later clocked a time just one minute and 47 seconds slower in York.

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