Ministers asked to consider former site as location for new school

BOA Warehouse site. The area next to the town park. Picture: JON GUEGAN

REFORM Jersey have asked for the former warehouse site in town to be considered as the location for a new school.

Earlier this year, States Members backed an amendment to the Bridging Island Plan from Deputy Rob Ward – who is also a member of Reform Jersey – to safeguard part of the nearby former Jersey Gas site for a new primary school.

However, in a letter to Housing Minister David Warr and Children’s and Education Minister Inna Gardiner, the political party has said the former BOA and plot – which is currently earmarked for a development of around 200 homes – could provide ‘the required primary school facilities’ while also allowing Millennium Park to be extended into the former gasworks site.

Andium Homes has been given permission to acquire the majority of the former site, which is next to the Grand Marché supermarket. The existing warehouse will be demolished as part of the social housing provider’s ‘Northern Quarter’ project, which is set to provide 195 new homes.

In their letter, Reform Jersey members welcomed the publication of a report looking into potential sites for two new primary schools in St Helier, which cited Gas Place, Plat Douet and the area between Rouge Bouillon roundabout and Castle Quay as preferred options for development.

They added that, while campaigning for the June election, they were told:

– That the community would like to see Millennium Town Park extended.

– That new school facilities were needed in St Helier.

– That residents were concerned about the high density of new residential developments in the area.

‘We note that only government-owned sites were considered during the review carried out by the IBI Group, and that the former warehouse site has since come into public ownership with Andium Homes planning a high-density residential development on the site,’ Reform Jersey said in their letter.

‘We request that this site is considered by ministers as a possible school site instead, as it could provide the required primary school facilities and then allow for the former gasworks site to be used for the extension of Millennium Park. As elected representatives of St. Helier Central and St. Helier South we consider that this would provide the best possible outcome for our constituents,’ they added.

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