Man fined for speeding and failing to stop for police

Magistrates Court. Picture: ROB CURRIE. (34503150)

A MAN who admitted breaking the speed limit and failing to stop when told to by the police has been fined £1,210.

Jose De Oliveira also pleased guilty to careless driving and failing to notify parish authorities of his new address, when he appeared in the Magistrate’s Court yesterday.

St Helier Centenier Danny Scaife said the incidents happened on the evening of 24 July. Police officers noticed De Oliveira driving his silver Mercedes at 57mph along Victoria Avenue, which has a 40mph speed limit.

He did not stop when the officers signalled to him to do so, Mr Scaife added.

Advocate Julia-Anne Dix, defending, said: ‘Mr De Oliveira accepts he had no good reason for speeding.

‘He made a very foolish, split-second decision.’

She said his failure to notify the parish of his new address was ‘an administrative error’.

And she added: ‘He would like to apologise to the court.’

Relief Magistrate David Le Cornu imposed a £500 ban for failing to stop, £500 for careless driving, £110 for speeding and £100 for not having his new address on his licence.

He did not disqualify him from driving and allowed him to pay the fine at the rate of £300 per week.

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