Reformed prisoner’s message to inmates: ‘Change is possible’

Lewis Gibson Picture: DAVID FERGUSON. (34466595)

A REFORMED prisoner from the UK who was brought to Jersey as an inspirational speaker has told Island inmates that ‘change is possible’ during workshops at HMP La Moye as part of National Prisons Week.

Lewis Gibson was invited to speak to prisoners by governor Susie Richardson, who got to know him while she led HMP Winchester.

After spending time behind bars from the age of 15 to 38, Mr Gibson was released in June 2020.

Since his release, the 41-year-old has started a successful ground-works and building business and also runs a YouTube channel that aims to inspire others.

Mr Gibson said: ‘I came over as an inspirational speaker. Susie was governor of HMP Winchester and saw me as I came from a place of brokenness to accessing courses in prison. I was doing work on myself and was working out why I was still going to prison.

‘I feel so privileged to come over here and share my story. The thing that has stood out to me is the kindness; everyone has been so kind to us.’

When asked what his main message for prisoners in the Island was, Mr Gibson said: ‘Change is possible.

‘I’m three years clean and sober from alcohol and drugs; hopefully I can show the guys what they can achieve.’

Throughout the week, Mr Gibson shared his experience of prison and spoke to inmates on all four wings at La Moye. He added: ‘I had the privilege of attending the full staff meeting and got to speak with all the staff. The feedback I had on my talks was absolutely amazing.

‘I found it really rewarding and very humbling. My talks haven’t got a name. I’m presenting my life story.’

Based on the feedback from this week, Mr Gibson said he wanted to continue his talks in prisons in the UK. Tomorrow, during a service at St Mark’s Church, Ms Richardson, HMP La Moye’s chaplain and Mr Gibson will be interviewed by Pastor Pete Clayton about ‘life inside’ and the difference that having a faith can make to those who live and work in prisons.

Mr Gibson said: ‘It will be more faith-based on Sunday. You have to be careful as everyone has got different experiences. Please listen to the similarities and not the differences.’

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