Jersey's housing qualification system is discriminatory and not fit for purpose

Michael Van Neste, former head of social housing provider Jersey Homes Trust. Picture: ROB CURRIE. (34422844)

THE Island’s housing qualifications system is ‘discriminatory’ and ‘not fit for purpose’, according to the former head of social housing provider Jersey Homes Trust.

Michael Van Neste spoke out after finance worker Theo Burger Botha contacted the JEP to say that he was witnessing the ‘desperate’ situation faced by people restricted to registered accommodation because they have been in Jersey less than ten years, with demand outstripping supply and tenants ‘fighting to be first on the viewing list’.

The Islander – who has lived here for three years – questioned why the issue was not being addressed, particularly at a time of staff shortages and difficulties attracting workers to Jersey.

Under the current rules, those who have lived in the Island for less than a decade – and who are not considered essential employees – are restricted to leasing registered accommodation, which primarily consists of units in guesthouses and lodging houses. An essential employee is defined as a person who moves to the Island to fulfil a role for which ‘the required skillsets may be specialised’. This includes doctors, teachers and nurses.

Under the Control of Housing and Work Law, all new accommodation is assigned qualified status and therefore cannot be occupied by ‘registered’ Islanders, although the Chief Minister has the power to change a dwelling’s classification.

Echoing Mr Botha’s concerns, Mr Van Neste said: ‘The system of housing qualifications is not fit for purpose in the present day. Anyone who is gainfully employed should be able to at least rent [from the full range of properties].’

He pointed out that the qualifications had created a ‘two-tier’ system that was ‘ultimately wrong’.

‘It is part of the housing crisis, it is discriminatory and let’s face it, – they [people limited to registered accommodation] could be ripped off as it is an ever-reducing supply pool,’ he added.

Mr Botha said: ‘I came to Jersey three years ago via a working visa to work in finance. I went through a rigorous, expensive and lengthy process to earn the right to be here. Yet, after all this, it is still extremely difficult to find accommodation for anyone who is registered.’

He added: ‘I count myself lucky that I came with a partner, which allows us to afford slightly higher prices, but many are not so lucky. I see countless people still coming over, riding it out in hotels at even higher costs, trying to find accommodation. I see single mothers losing their apartments as the owners are selling, desperately trying to find something affordable for their families.’

He also said that supply was failing to keep pace with the demand for registered accommodation.

‘This gives all the power to the landlords and us tenants fighting to be the first on the viewing list.’

Chief Minister Kristina Moore said: ‘The new government has established a population and skills ministerial group which will be working across portfolios to consider all aspects relating to housing and work issues in the Island, including whether current legislation meets the needs of Islanders.’

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