States Members to discuss fuel price petition

The petition was lodged by ATF Fuels director Jonathan Best earlier this year

CALLS for a reduction in fuel duty are set to be debated by the States Assembly this week.

In what looks likely to be a relatively short sitting, Members will hold an in-committee debate – which does not include a vote – to discuss an online petition to cut 2.5p per litre from fuel.

The petition, lodged by ATF Fuels director Jonathan Best earlier this year, gained more than 5,000 signatures – the threshold for consideration for debate by the States Assembly. In the document, he said: ‘The international fuel situation has changed dramatically following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which has led to a further rise of driven fuel prices. Some of the highest prices in decades. Consumers are faced with a cost-of-living crisis on many fronts, not limited to but including fuel.’

Meanwhile, a proposal to prevent Andium Homes’ tenants facing a ‘shock’ rent rise of ‘up to £400 per month’ is set to be debated. Deputy Rob Ward claims that some residents are being hit with the sharp increase after moving into refurbished homes – including those who have chosen to downsize.

The Reform Jersey politician is calling for the Treasury Minister, as shareholder representative of Andium, to instruct the company to suspend any such rent increases for one year from the start of new tenancies.

He is also calling for the rent rise to be introduced gradually over a period of five to ten years, depending upon the tenant’s ability to pay.

There are just seven questions tabled for the sitting – all submitted by Reform Jersey politicians. Housing Minister David Warr, Infrastructure Minister Tom Binet and Chief Minister Kristina Moore are due to face questions without notice.

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