BA to cut flights from Jersey to Heathrow

Jersey Airport Picture: DAVID FERGUSON. (34092158)

BRITISH Airways is reducing the number of flights between Jersey and Heathrow by 20% over the winter months, but the Island’s airport hopes the impact on customers can be kept to a minimum.

Airport director Robin MacRae said they would ‘continue to work closely with British Airways while the industry continues to recover from the impact of the pandemic’.

He added that there would be an average of 28 flights per week, seven fewer than was originally planned between late November and March.

‘The impact on Jersey of the recent announcement from British Airways is expected to be minimal and we will still see up to four flights per day to Heathrow Airport. We expect BA will accommodate cancellations in their amended schedule, although this hasn’t been confirmed,’ he said.

In a statement, BA said they had made adjustments to their short-haul flights with multiple services ‘following Heathrow’s decision to extend its passenger cap’ but that the ‘vast majority of our customers will travel as planned’.

The statement continued: ‘In addition, we’re giving customers travelling with us this winter notice of some adjustments to our schedule, which will include consolidating some of our short-haul flights to destinations with multiple services. We’ll be offering customers affected by any of these changes an alternative flight with British Airways or another airline or the option of a refund.’

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