Buy essential items people in Ukraine need now

Ukranian refugees escaping the war and crossing the border into Poland. Picture: DAVID FERGUSON. (33907708)

ISLANDERS are being encouraged to help buy essential items for people in Ukraine.

Jersey Overseas Aid and humanitarian charity Jersey Side by Side have put together a list of much-needed supplies and support packages donors can ‘buy’ via both organisations – or donate funds towards.

Anyone donating through the website can now choose exactly which of the essential items – such as trauma kits or landmine-clearance equipment – they want their money to be spent on.

Gillian Challinor, senior programme officer for JOA, said: ‘Media coverage has slowed down but the war is still going on and there is still a really high need for these items, so – together with Jersey charity Side by Side – we wanted to try and direct more effort into fundraising specifically for them.’

Essential supplies and support packages will also be highlighted in future editions of the JEP.

Those unsure where to direct their funds can still donate to the Bailiff’s Ukraine Appeal, from which funds are distributed to vetted charities currently operating inside Ukraine by JOA.

Since the conflict began, JOA has overseen the allocation of more than £2.3 million in humanitarian aid, supporting a variety of initiatives in the region.

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