WATCH: Jersey firefighters honoured for daring sea rescue


THREE firefighters who battled through rough seas to save the lives of a French couple trapped in a cave at Plémont earlier this year have been presented with special awards.

Crew Commander Simon Le Maistre and firefighters Andy Le Marquand and Jack Luce received Chief Officers Commendations for rescuing the tourists, who had become stranded after the woman fell into the sea and broke her arm and her partner jumped in to save her.

Amid breaking waves and a rising tide, the crew on board the Fire and Rescue Service’s inshore boat used the difficult ‘veering down’ method – where the bow is kept facing the waves to prevent it getting swamped and an anchor line is dropped as the vessel inches backwards.

Once holding in position deep in the cave, one of the crew swam in with life jackets and rescued the couple, who were taken ashore and handed over to paramedics.

Chief fire officer Paul Brown said: ‘There is no doubt their professionalism, decision making, and exemplary teamwork meant that they were able to save lives.

‘In the best traditions of the Fire and Rescue Service, the crew performed this rescue at calculated but nevertheless considerable risk to themselves. I am immensely proud of them all and they are a credit to the Fire and Rescue Service. Well done.’

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